What Doctors Are Saying About Media West

“I had been looking for some time for a quality decompression brochure to give my patients. Truthfully, there is not much out there that represents what I was looking for. While I was searching for more research on spinal decompression, I came across your digital 24-page booklet. I loved the concept, and wanted it. I read through the entire brochure. What impressed me the most was that it was spot on and the science in it was correct. I have done considerable research and attended several certification courses on decompression. Your brochure had everything I would want to communicate to my patients and staff. If one would just learn the entire brochure, they would know more than most doctors in the field who own spinal decompression tables.

But wait, there’s more! Not only is there a digital version, but a hard copy booklet as well to hand out. Now I was even more excited. I would be able to give my patients something in hand that they could take home and study in order to better educate themselves on the science and benefits of decompression. My next concern was the cost. Surely a 24-age full-color booklet would be very pricey. Not at all. A bargain if I ever saw one.

Now I was even more excited. I would be able to give my patients something in hand that they could take home and study in order to better educate themselves on the science and benefits of decompression. My next concern was the cost. Surely a 24-age full-color booklet would be very pricey. Not at all. A bargain if I ever saw one.

I am grateful that I found Media West. I appreciate all the hard work you put into this piece of research and work of art. It is the best thing out there for educating patients on spinal decompression. This brochure is so professional that the moment my patients get it in hand, they say, “Wow!” They know we are the real deal. When you are about to ask a patient for a substantial investment into their health, you’d better have a substantial presentation, and this is it.”

— Dr. George B., DC • Texas

“Your brochures are the best patient education tools available for Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression. I give all of my patients three or four brochures to share with their friends and family. Patients love it because it’s accessible, professional and not ‘salesy.’ It is also factual with references and no false or unsubstantiated claims. I can tell which patients have read this brochure because they understand the program and are ready to commit. I tell all my consulting clients to order this brochure. It makes a huge difference.”

— Dr. Adrian M., DC • Connecticut

“Since using your decompression booklets, our conversion rate has doubled to 28%! Not only that, but when people come in for the consultation they are well informed and ready to commit to care. This has meant a lot for our bottom line. We are actually using our decompression machine again after some very lean months. Thank you for producing a high-end product that matches the high-end service we provide. Also, even though the booklet is not specific to the model we use, it has not mattered at all. After reading it, people are interested in decompression and getting well…regardless of what machine you’re using.”

— Dr. William F., DC. • New Jersey

“I was writing this letter to let you know how happy I am with your booklet. I own five decompression tables and this has been a great tool to use. We give them out to all consults, new patients, and take them out to give to MD’s, DO’s, and DC’s. We get comments all the time on how professional they are and would recommend them to anyone doing spinal decompression therapy.”

— Dr. Casey W., DC • Kansas

“Thank you for creating such an informative patient booklet for our spinal decompression practice, The Media West 24-page booklet conveys all of the concepts associated with spinal decompression in an easy-to-understand fashion making it easier for us to communicate these concepts to prospective patients. It’s such a good tool that I use it in all of my consultations as an easy-to-understand patient education tool. Keep up the good work!”

— Dr. George K., DC • Florida

“We have recently started using your spinal decompression report. We are very pleased with the booklet and the results we have achieved with it. The report is very simple for patients and other professionals to understand while still giving detail. Previous reports were very sales-oriented and pushy. These reports are informational in nature. As a result, we find more people respond and many have already decided this is something they want to do before they even come into the office for a consultation. In addition, we were always at a loss when lawyers or other doctors asked for information regarding spinal decompression. Now we have something we feel confident in sending them”

— Dr. Scott M. • British Columbia Canada

“I would like to applaud and thank you for your fine work in creating your report on Spinal Decompression Therapy. It has been an invaluable tool in educating patients on disc anatomy and the application of Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression. Your publication has saved me valuable time, because it clearly explains to the patient how spinal decompression will eliminate their chronic low back issues. Thank you again for your editorial and artistic expertise.”

— Dr. Robert O., D.C. • New York

“I am writing to thank you for providing such a professional Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Booklet. We have been offering spinal decompression treatments for well over one year. During this period of time, we have made makeshift information packets to hand out to our patients or other professionals. Although the information we provided was useful, it was presented in a very unprofessional way. Your product, the Spinal Decompression Booklet, was exactly what we were looking for. While informative and professionally appealing with excellent graphics, the information is easy to understand, and provides the missing link to our marketing and educational services.

Since we have been using it, we have seen a tremendous impact on the professional image it has helped us to project to our patient base as well as the medical community. Patients tell us they finally have something to give to others that they feel is informative and professional. Imagine that! Patients want a professional booklet they can share with other people and they want it to be informative as well. In closing, I can only thank you for your efforts and this wonderful booklet you have put together on Spinal Decompression. I highly suggest that anyone considering your product should order some booklets and test them for themselves. They will be very happy with the results and will help upgrade the professional appeal and image of our profession.”

— Dr. Kenneth W., DC • Florida

“Recently we purchased several copies of your Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy booklets. Our patients, who have completed the treatments as well as our current patients, appreciate the book for its candor. As one former patient said, “It encourages you, but does not make unrealistic promises about the outcome of the treatments.” The simple illustrations and clear manner that the spinal decompression procedure is described make it easy for everyone to understand. Patients ask for additional copies so they can share them with their friends and family. The response to our mailing has definitely increased since we have been sending the booklets. Thank you for presenting Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy in an easy-to-understand format.”

— Dr. Rory L., D.C. • California